Childhood Portraiture - The Not So Boring Side - Lake County, FL

April 23, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Some folks have told me how great and easy my job is. And, well, it is! I am beyond blessed with my business. I get to meet wonderful people every week, and also hang out with returning clients as well. It's not always "easy" though. I mean, after a little warming up it is, but how do you get kids excited about a session? Well, the answer is simple: magic, miracles, and a dose of craziness. You see, if I put a 1 year old and a 2 year old in a field and then put a bulky black device in front of my face, this is what I'll get:

Now, I normally don't give the first few warm-up images to my clients, because sometimes the kids are a bit more spooked, but this one made me smile way too much. Not only am I giving it to mom, I felt the need to blog about it.

This is normal. Kids are a bit confused sometimes as to why this photographer they don't even know wants them to hang out in a field, be happy, all whilst she's making clicking noises with a black box.

This is where the fun begins. And the magic, miracles, and craziness also start.

*Disclaimer* This doesn't always work on every child, but 95% of the time it does.

Implementing my magic, miracles, and crazy self (plus mom being an awesome help), and here's the next frame:

Now we are getting somewhere!!!

And then the next:

Folks, these kids are only 2 and 1. Amazing children!

And now they are totally warmed up, like 2 minutes later, and we have a quick, easy, gorgeous 1 year milestone session for Brennon, with some timeless portraits with his big sister, Bristol.

My advice - Trust your photographer. Go into a session without high expectations because we all know that kids can turn at any time. But the key, again, trust your photographer. Your photographer will give you prep to help guide you through a session. Your photographer knows the crazy cards. Your photographer wants the pictures to be just as amazing as you want them. And your kids truly want to have a good time. After all, portraits are to capture moments in time. Why not let them evoke playful memories as well? Relax, have fun, and enjoy capturing life.


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